Жаңалықтар нәтиже Industrial Automation

Breaking Barriers: Emerson's Boundless Automation

Breaking Barriers: Emerson's Boundless Automation

Emerson's Boundless Automation revolutionizes industrial operations by providing an open, secure architecture that connects the field, edge, and cloud. This unified approach enables seamless data flow, empowers advanced analytics, and drives unprecedented levels of safety, sustainability, and profitability.
Siemens Acquires Altair: A Giant Leap for Industrial AI and Simulation

Siemens Acquires Altair: A Giant Leap for Industrial AI and ...

Siemens' acquisition of Altair marks a pivotal moment in the industrial software landscape. This strategic move brings together two industry leaders, creating a powerhouse in AI-driven design and simulation. By combining Altair's advanced simulation capabilities with Siemens' comprehensive industrial software portfolio, this partnership is poised to revolutionize product development and accelerate digital transformation across industries.
ABB Powers Sustainable Irrigation in Serres, Greece

ABB Powers Sustainable Irrigation in Serres, Greece

ABB is modernizing irrigation pumping stations in Serres, Greece, to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability. By leveraging advanced automation and digital technologies, ABB aims to optimize water distribution and reduce operational costs.
Function of Honeywell 51308380-175 CC-SDOR01

Function of Honeywell 51308380-175 CC-SDOR01

As a module product, Honeywell 51308380-175 likely has input/output (I/O) functions, used to connect field devices (such as sensors, actuators, etc.) with control systems, enabling data acquisition and command execution.
About Honeywell C300 Series of products

About Honeywell C300 Series of products

The Honeywell C300 controllers serve as the cornerstone of the Experion Control System, boasting robust process control capabilities and flexibility across various industrial sectors. 
Exploring Emerson Electric: A Company Like No Other

Emerson Electric зерттеу: ешкімге ұқсамайтын компания

Эмерсон Электрик, өнеркәсіптік ландшафттағы табандылық, төзімділік пен бейімделуді көрсетеді. 1890 жылы Миссури штатындағы Сент-Луис қаласында көрнекі ағайынды Местондар негізін қалаған Эмерсон өзінің сапарын моторлар мен желдеткіштердің аймақтық өндірушісі ретінде бастады. 120 жыл ішінде ол көптеген салалардағы әртүрлі операцияларды мақтан ететін жаһандық конгломератқа айналды.