Honeywell predstavlja mjerenje i kontrolu procesa: novu poslovnu jedinicu

Honeywell Unveils Process Measurement & Control: A New Business Unit

Honeywell je nedavno objavio osnivanje nove poslovne jedinice, Process Measurement and Control (PMC), integracijom svog portfelja detekcije plina i plamena sa svojim portfeljem mjerenja i kontrole.

PMC je spreman ponuditi širok spektar proizvoda i rješenja, uključujući:

  • Rješenja za detekciju plina i plamena za sigurnija industrijska okruženja, štiteći i osoblje i imovinu.
  • Rješenja za skrbnički prijenos nafte i prirodnog plina za precizan prijenos proizvoda od prodavača do kupaca duž infrastrukture za prijenos i distribuciju nafte i prirodnog plina.
  • Proizvodi za mjerenje tlaka, temperature, razine i protoka za industrijska postrojenja.
  • Upravljanje procesima i sigurnosna rješenja u industrijskim objektima.
  • Mjerna rješenja za upravljanje imovinom i održivost.

Srikumar Srinivasan, predsjednik PMC-a, izjavio je: „Misija PMC-a je isporuka pouzdanih rješenja za otkrivanje i precizna mjerenja kako bi se omogućili vrhunski poslovni rezultati za naše klijente u raznim aplikacijama i industrijama. Oduševljeni smo što možemo našim kupcima predstaviti sveobuhvatan portfelj Honeywellovih proizvoda i rješenja. Kombinirana stručnost u mjerenju, komunikacijskim tehnologijama i intrinzičnoj sigurnosti jedinstvenog entiteta pomoći će nam u razvoju inovativnih proizvoda i rješenja za rješavanje izazova korisnika u otkrivanju i mjerenju.”

Za više informacija, molimo posjetite novu web stranicu za mjerenje i kontrolu procesa, kliknite ovdje .

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Ensuring Safety in De-Energized Electrical Circuits: Best Practices and Precautions

Ensuring Safety in De-Energized Electrical Circuits: Best Practices and Precautions

De-energizing electrical circuits is critical for technician safety, but turning off power alone is not enough. Residual energy from capacitors, batteries, or backup systems can still pose risks. Proper verification using tools like voltage testers, adherence to Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) procedures, and clear physical boundaries help prevent accidents. Employing trained personnel, ensuring adequate lighting, and keeping emergency equipment ready are essential steps. By following these best practices, workers can confidently troubleshoot electrical systems while minimizing hazards.

Understanding Ethernet Cable Lengths and Their Impact on Network Performance

Understanding Ethernet Cable Lengths and Their Impact on Network Performance

When setting up an Ethernet network, it is essential to understand the various types of cables and their maximum lengths. Using cables that exceed the recommended distances can result in data loss, reduced speeds, and higher latency. Ethernet communication relies on both standard cables (such as CAT cables) and optical fiber cables for data transmission. The right choice of cable type and length ensures smooth and efficient network performance.

Sustainable Future: GreenIron and ABB's Circular Metals Partnership

Sustainable Future: GreenIron and ABB's Circular Metals Partnership

GreenIron, a Swedish innovator in mining and metals, has teamed up with ABB to implement automation and control systems at its first commercial plant in Sandviken. Using ABB's System 800xA, the partnership aims to transform metal production with fossil-free, energy-efficient methods, cutting carbon emissions. The scalable system offers real-time data and integrates with renewable energy, advancing GreenIron’s circular economy goals and aiding global CO₂ reduction in the metals sector.