CompactLogix | 1769 series

The Allen-Bradley 1769 CompactLogix Controllers are designed to provide Logix solutions for small to medium-sized applications, typically involving machine-level control.

A basic system consists of an independent controller along with single-slot I/O modules and DeviceNet communication modules. More complex systems may include additional networks, motion controllers, and safety control devices. As part of the Integrated Architecture® system, CompactLogix controllers utilize the same programming software, network communication protocols, and information capabilities as all Logix 5000™ controllers. This system offers a development environment that is universal for all control principles.

The Allen-Bradley CompactLogix system models include:

  • Armor Compact GuardLogix 5370
  • Armor CompactLogix 5370
  • Compact GuardLogix 5370
  • CompactLogix 5370
  • Compact GuardLogix 5380
  • CompactLogix 5380

35 products


35 products


Allen Bradley 1769-PA4 Compact I/O Power Supply 5-24VDC 4A 1/7A Allen Bradley 1769-PA4 Compact I/O Power Supply 5-24VDC 4A 1/7A


1769-OB8 | Allen-Bradley CompactLogix DO Module 8 Point, 24V DC 1769-OB8 | Allen-Bradley CompactLogix DO Module 8 Point, 24V DC


1769-OB32 | Allen-Bradley CompactLogix 32 Pt 24VDC D/O Module 1769-OB32 | Allen-Bradley CompactLogix 32 Pt 24VDC D/O Module

Allen Bradley

Discrete Output


1769-OA8 | Compact I/O Output Module Allen-Bradley 1769OA8 1769-OA8 | Compact I/O Output Module Allen-Bradley 1769OA8


1769-L35E | Allen Bradley CompactLogix EtherNet Processor Module 1769-L35E | Allen Bradley CompactLogix EtherNet Processor Module


1769-ECL | Allen Bradley CompactLogix Left End Cap/Terminator 1769-ECL | Allen Bradley CompactLogix Left End Cap/Terminator


1769-CRR3 | Allen Bradley Compact I/O Right-To-Right Bus Cable 1769-CRR3 | Allen Bradley Compact I/O Right-To-Right Bus Cable

Allen Bradley

Expansion Cable


1769-CRR1 | Allen Bradley | Compact I/O Right-To-Right Bus Expansion Cable 1769-CRR1 | Allen Bradley | Compact I/O Right-To-Right Bus Expansion Cable


1769-AENTR | Allen Bradley | Compact I/O Ethernet IP Adapter Module 1769-AENTR | Allen Bradley | Compact I/O Ethernet IP Adapter Module


1769-IF4FXOF2F Allen Bradley CompactLogix High Speed I/O Module 1769-IF4FXOF2F Allen Bradley CompactLogix High Speed I/O Module


Allen Bradley 1769-ARM Compact I/O Address Reserve Module Allen Bradley 1769-ARM Compact I/O Address Reserve Module


1769-OA16 | Allen Bradley | CompactLogix 16 Pt 240VAC D/O Module 1769-OA16 | Allen Bradley | CompactLogix 16 Pt 240VAC D/O Module


1769-L32C Allen Bradley CompactLogix 750KB ControlNet Controller 1769-L32C Allen Bradley CompactLogix 750KB ControlNet Controller

Allen Bradley

Controller Module


1769-CRL3 | Allen Bradley | Bus Expansion Cable 1769-CRL3 | Allen Bradley | Bus Expansion Cable

Allen Bradley



Allen-Bradley 1769-2WS Dual-Channel Weigh Scale Module Allen-Bradley 1769-2WS Dual-Channel Weigh Scale Module

Allen Bradley

Weigh Scale Module


Allen-Bradley 1769-L33ER/A CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controller Module Allen-Bradley 1769-L33ER/A CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controller Module

Allen Bradley

Controller Module


1769-ADN Compact I/O DeviceNet Adapter Allen-Bradley 1769-ADN Compact I/O DeviceNet Adapter Allen-Bradley


Allen Bradley 1769-OW8 Digital Output Relay Module Allen Bradley 1769-OW8 Digital Output Relay Module

Allen Bradley

Digital Output

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